Thursday General Discussion

Something like that happened with me during my last semester of college. This was the day after Bryan had retired. My professor was a dick who thought only the subject he taught was relevant. He pulls out a list of things that were trending on twitter the night before, he reads them off. Bryan was #1. He goes, who even cares about Daniel Bryan, in like the most douchy fucking way possible. I raised my hand. I don't care if he thought I was a loser, I wasn't about to let him put down Bryan.

Funny thing is, he got his that same semester. We had group class presentations. He had us send our powerpoints to his laptop, since he had his laptop plugged up to the screen. After one of the groups went, they exited out of the powerpoint, and his desktop showed. Right there, in the middle of the desktop was two files, "how to have sex dreams" and "how to have lucid dreams". Everybody in class saw it. I was just sitting there with this expression.

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