TIFU at the gym, I hurt another person, humiliated myself, and have never felt like such a waste of space.

I was doing incline dumbbell bench press, it was my last set which I sometimes incorporate a drop set to keep things fresh. Well this time I did my first set and just dropped the weights next to me, picked up the second set of dumbbells and did my set. When I dropped the second set of dumbbells I didn't realise one of the first dumbbells I used had rolled back under my bench. So when I dropped the second set, the dummbell bounced up and on the way down caught my middle finger between the 2 dummbells with the one doing the crushing being 22.5kg. My finger burst like a sausage, blood everywhere, the skin flapping. I bleed all over the benches and some guy lifting next to me almost threw up from the sight of so mucn blood. I casually got up and walked to the wall where the papertowel was to wrap my finger then I just ran out clutching my overflowing with blood hand. I got blood on the floor and the walls.

I made my partner clean up the blood whilst I waited outside almost passing out from the pain and blood loss. Ended up with surgery to reattached the skin, finger pad and chunk of flesh.

Moral is, as soon as my bandage came off and my doctor said I can use it again, I went straight back to the gym, went to the same bench, picked up the same weights and finished my set. Don't let it stop you.

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