TIL that the 1955 film, "The Conqueror", was filmed downwind of the site of 11 above-ground nuclear bomb tests. Of the 220 people who worked on the movie, 91 developed cancer and 46 died, including John Wayne.

Check out Swedish snus. You can get it lots of places in the US. Here in Redneckville, California I have two gas stations where I can buy it. I smoked a pack a day for three years and quit with snus (pronounced Snoose). It is 99.9% safer than smoking. You will still have an increased risk for pancreatic cancer, but that's it. Everything else is baseline like non-tobacco users. It's why the Scandinavian countries have the lowest cancer rates in the Developed World (and having lived in Europe, many of them (non Scandinavians) smoke like chimneys, much worse than where I grew up in the US). Don't approach it thinking you're going to quit smoking with snus, just buy the product and give it a try. After a few months, you just won't want cigarettes anymore. Snus is simply more effective at delivering nicotine. It's not the best thing you could do, because that would be to quit tobacco use altogether. But, if quitting tobacco altogether is difficult/impossible, try snus. It is much, much less harmful for you and it's completely inconspicuous. You don't even have to spit like users of American dip/chew. I know this sounds like a bad infomercial, but it's something I'm passionate about, because I was hooked on cigarettes and found something less horrible. Like I have said, it's not perfect. If you're not a tobacco user, please never try snus. It's still a powerful addiction, but it's one that is far, far less harmful than smoking. For example, as a snus user, I did a hike today that was over 10 miles with 3500 feet of climbing and it was no problem (also, it was with my parents who have no knowledge of my tobacco use, and with snus it's easy to hide...no smell and no indication that I'm even using it). As a smoker, I could have never done that (especially considering the summit was almost 11,000 feet high). What is really nice is that I can occasionally (once every few months) have a cigarette if I want one. It doesn't do anything for me, I don't really enjoy it from a nicotine point of view (because snus does a better job delivering nicotine), but I can still enjoy the social side of it. I would go out drinking with my European friends and they would praise me because I could always hold up to my "only one cigarette in any given night" proclamation. Snus isn't perfect at all, but it could save your life if you're a hardcore smoker like I was. Just don't buy Camel or Marlboro Snus. It's deliberately weak and made from fire cured tobacco, which is just as bad as American chewing tobacco. Get General Snus...or my favorite...Ettan.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.m.wikipedia.org