TIL that in 1995 the Church of Scientology imprisoned, dehydrated and starved a mentally ill woman for 17 days until she died.

I attended a few sessions at the Celebrity Center in Los Angeles and to be fair I didn't all the complaints about the religion and had people online telling me to ask them about Lisa McPherson and pretty much all known incidents of suspected abuse. I wanted to give them a fair chance and what they did was sent me down to their, I guess it's the equivalent to a Human Resources dept. and I asked them all about these incidents. And they had every known record from newspapers available to me to read and judge for myself. They really don't fuck around with these sort of things. I read them all and didn't get a creepy vibe from them at all. I mean it all seemed pretty weird to me, but that was just my own bias.

I enjoyed my time with their session. The people were like the people you would expect, people who wanted to find ways to cope with the reality we are faced with today. No one seemed perfect, but neither do people in regular churches of anything.

Now I will say they acted paranoid towards me due to all this flak they were getting and I don't blame them because I went into these sessions with cynicism. But I was always honest with them.

The one thing that did bother me about them and it really set me off was that I was having a problem financially and they would still bug me about joining them. They are persistent as hell and that pretty much became insulting to me. But other than their business side of things, I have fond memories of the people their. I don't recommend their religion nor do I recommend any religion unless you want to join my own religion, but even then I won't recommend that either. ;)

Stay away from religions, your safest and best bet.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - lisamcpherson.org