So when you get kicked from a guild you get a penalty ? what kinda of a backwards ass system is this

Been in a dead guild on an alt for like 3-4 weeks. Of the 24 users 2 were on in the past 3 days. 1 in the past 10 days. Next was 14 days followed by month+ for everyone else. I left today and got a 4 day ban from joining a new guild. (Just became level 4 guild this reset. Never a quest/research posted.)

Then my other alt was in a guild for maybe 3 weeks now. It's also dead. About 8 people in it. They at least logged all within the week. Think the previous GM lost control? Because quests started getting posted. Level 3 guild. I left today and 1 day ban.

Me: may I please leave this dead guild?
Smilegate: Yeah, no problem. You're free to leave whenever.
Me: ohhh thank you great one.
Smilegate: PS enjoy your 4 day ban, scrub.

Such a kick in the balls. Fuck whoever came up with punishing players for leaving a dead guild. Whatever the reason it is this way is just bad design. And why can't it be roster wide? What good reason is there to have this roster designed game not include your other characters in a guild causing you to be "absent" large portions of time while you do daily/progression on another character?

I've been given a vague answer that it's this way because of something that isn't in game yet. But if that's the case it is still bad design. Right now and in the future.

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