TIL in 2001 Stan Lee was given the opportunity to re-imagine DC's Justice League and he made Batman black, Wonder Woman Hispanic and The Flash a teenage girl.

It’s not just unimaginative, it’s the type of shit most people of culture see as cringeworthy pandering by a white dude who doesn’t get it. “Let’s just make Batman black this time, they’ll eat this shit up.” No. No one wants that. Create a new character that actually captures aspects of the culture of the people you’re “representing.” Do it by hiring a person from that community to ether write it or at the very least help you capture what it’s like to walk in their shoes.

The fact people are acting like this is remotely notable, much less worthy of praise, is Fucjing pathetic. It didn’t even happen. He got asked why he’d do with the franchise and instead of contributing anything insightful or creative, he was like “well I’d make this one black and that one Latina.” The difference between inclusion and meaningful diversity and tokenization is perfectly illustrated by this shit idea. Not an attempt to actually represent a people, just one to capitalize on their market demographic by making a character who didn’t used to look like them look like them.

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