TIL although the crew of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood rarely talked to Fred off the set, and mercilessly made fun of him behind his back, while he was rehearsing with his puppets before each show, these same men would sneak into the studio and ask his puppets for personal advice, which Fred kindly gave.

For 30 years, I have focused my spirit on helping people explore, enjoy and embrace the adventure of life. From the wisdom of native tribal cultures and ancient spiritual traditions, I share my distillation of the underlying principles of all healing and transformation. After curing myself of blindness, I've applied my approach to human dynamics in a practical way as an author, wilderness vision quest guide, life strategy coach, international seminar leader, acupuncturist, filmmaker, radio talk show host, owner-chef of two gourmet restaurants and vice president of the country’s largest natural food company. When not exploring consciousness in the canyons of Arizona, I travel around the world assisting people to open to life’s wonders and surprises in my Dream Workshops Smells like B's to me.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - authorsden.com