TIL an Aboriginal man planted a flag on the cliffs of Dover in 1988 and claimed England for the Aborigines

You know what, good for him, I don't care.

The amount of bullshit that involve aboriginals is the biggest pain in the ass. I personally try to not judge anyone and give them the benefit of the doubt but having experienced living in places like Kalgoorlie and Onslow it is hard not to get judgmental.

There are huge amounts of great people out there, aboriginal or not, but at the same time the amount of straight up cunts that abuse everything they can are fucking high up in the numbers as well. The whole idea of equality is great and all but something has to change before I start caring about one guy trying to make some gesture of invasion and rights and all that. Especially when there are about fifteen other people that make it really hard to sympathize with the hardships aboriginals went through.

I don't know if this is all that relevant to the actual thread but not everything is so black and white, pun not intended, that you can just go and do shit like this and expect everyone to see this how you want to.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org