TIL an actor in Nazi Germany lost his job for being Jewish. He went to the Alps, grew a beard, and dyed all his hair by bathing in diluted hydrogen. He returned to the stage claiming to be a self-taught peasant actor and was praised by the Nazis as "proof of the superiority of Aryan blood."

And I love how assholes like you then go on here and mock these people to feel superior. Like first of all, link him a source if you wanna make an arguement and second of all I bet that you know nothing about drug use by Hitler. Especially because technically the dude you answered to is right. Technically. Meth and other drugs were widespread in the German army, and at the time, everywhere really. Especially in medicine. Hitler was taking shots on a regular but not like a junkie which I guess is your problem with his statement and the pop science. He was supervised by a doctor but still, he was using drugs. Its actually pretty interesting but also really badly misused by people to explain whatever they dont like about Hitler.

source: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/5y6yvm/what_is_raskhistorians_take_on_the_book_blitzed/

I recommend clicking the links, the dude is pretty smart. Wiki has some information and if you are capable of verifying articles if you google hitlers drug use it does give you a few good ones. Also Quora in general isnt the worst place.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org