TIL that an Australian man living by a cliff prevented over 160 suicides in 50 years of living there. He would strike up a conversation with people contemplating suicide and invite them to his house for tea.

Well I'm sorry if this being considered off topic is hurting others their eyes, I have to admit though;

I don't consider it off topic, as it is connected to just talking to people as this Australian man so very well showed us. It is to me just a side effect of the same behavior or lacking behavior of talking to fellow individuals within our group in our society these days.

however secret services apply silly tactics, it is not for fun we have gotten to such 'solutions'. the human kind is a dangerous kind, too, constantly proven, that is why it is very important what the group is, the reason to have such parts within our groups, why we should talk to people within a group and dont group to live only for ourselves.

thanks for your compliment though that my effort is being appreciated, please warn me if my unconscious breaking of rules leads to bans, since I'm considering what to do with ELI5 since they banned me yesterday without even providing a warning. when banning in itself is already a ridiculous concept on the mesh we call interwebs, it only works with noobs who don't know how to circumvent it. committing to such act as moderator, especially based on rules, without warning (even einstein said if we only stick to thee rules because of the consequences we're a sorry lot indeed) is rather jeopardizing any forum or discussion platform, so please help me a bit here and warn before my work against such malicious operators and moderators piles up to extends I simply have to let go.

so if you're one of those mods (whether or not in this particular subreddit, I believe not since your name would be in the colour green then?) which dislike me without warning, questioning and looking for opportunity to ban me, mostly for lack of reason/arguments out of bullshit authority which is just plain ridiculous, if you're not one of the mods silently helping me (there are ones of these too, and I like them), please warn me when I seem to get a ban because of 'rule breaking'.

i dont intend to rule breaking, namely, i can be a bit direct and even my thoughts may flow off topic, i can even take it up to others that seem to waste the discussion in sometimes pretty harsh language and even bold script, but i do not intend to troll or break rules and I do not live in the group not to consider others, people can ban me just by discussing it with me, this ban button just infuriates me, especially in discussion platforms, please spread the word, even if you're not a mod. ELI5 needs to be saved from ignorance, too, not that particular mod, I figure that person to be too busy to have read up my reasons to react as I did. As said, I'm considering my reaction in order to get my ass unbanned and demand warnings there..

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - sobify.com