TIL that an elephant learnt from its mates about a sanctuary, and when poachers injured him, he used this second-hand knowledge to seek help from humans in the sanctuary

You also can't eat animals that feed on carrion, they're full of disease.

Its not the lion king, there aren't gazelles running through villages and flowing rivers full of fish and clean water to do with what you will.

Any center of people is going to be avoided by wild game animals and if you go live on your own in the wilds you're not going to last long. If you live near a river and expect to survive by catching fish then you're going to starve.

If I literally gave you everything you needed to hunt and fish then dropped you in the middle of the African Savannah I guarantee you wouldn't make it back. Have you ever hunted or fished for survival? Game animals don't stand around waiting to be shot, unless you know what you're doing then you won't even see one. Fish aren't just hanging around ready to hook, professional fisherman couldn't keep themselves fed from a single river.

You can't hunt enough animals to keep a village fed every day in a place like Namibia, these people aren't Kalahari bushmen, most of them were born in an area that was established around a well where they can get somewhat safe water. You can't just up and leave then cross your fingers that you don't die.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - mnn.com