TIL you can fly your pets for free and get around a landlord's pet policy by getting a note from a medical professional prescribing the use of your pet as an Emotional Support Animal.

From http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/10/20/pets-allowed

Through a site called ESA Registration of America, I found a clinical social worker in California who, at a cost of a hundred and forty dollars, agreed to evaluate me over the phone to discuss the role of Augustus, the snake, in my life. To prepare for the session, I concocted a harrowing backstory: When I was six, I fell into a pond and almost drowned. There was a snake in the water that I grabbed on to just before I was rescued by my father, and, ever since, I’d found comfort in scaly vertebrates.

“Now, let’s talk about your problems,” the therapist said, in the sort of soothing voice you might use when speaking to someone who has one day to live. “What’s your snake’s name?”

“Augustus,” I said.

“How does Augustus help you with your problems?”

“How far back should I go?” I asked, itching to tell my story about the pond.

“Just the last six months,” she said.

“Um, he provides unconditional love, and I feel safe when he’s around,” I said. “He’s a good icebreaker, too, if I’m feeling shy.”

“You want to have more ease outside the house,” the therapist summed up. “Now I want to do a generalized-anxiety screening with you,” she said. “In the last fourteen days, have you felt anxious or on edge nearly every day, more than seven days, or less than seven days?”

“I’d say around seven,” I replied. Using the same parameters, she asked me to rate my worrying, trouble relaxing, ability to sit still, irritability, and dread that something awful might happen. The next day, I received the following e-mail:

Hi Patricia: It was my pleasure to speak to you today. Attached is your ESA letter. Enjoy the benefits of having your dog (sic) with you more now. All the best,

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