TIL Disney hired a convicted child molester to direct their 1995 movie "Powder". Victor Salva pleaded guilty to oral sex with a 14 year old actor on set of a previous movie.

I have little knowledge regarding the system as well, but I do know that big names typically receive more lenient sentencing, and I know that "good behavior" will, in many cases, get you released early.

It's interesting though. If I plow some kid but don't have any other issues, I can be sent to prison and be out on "good behavior" because the very reason for my imprisonment isn't accessible while I'm locked up.

I have some very personal experiences with pedos. My great uncle on my father's side was sent to prison when I was just a toddler. I never knew he existed until he was released. He was released about a year ago now.

I never associated with him, have never met him, and never will. I have a 10 year old brother to protect from his disgusting behavior. I knew he would do it again... And he did.

He is now locked up for molesting some poor 13 year old boy who will have those demons to fight for the rest of his life.

Pedos aren't magically "cured" by being in prison. Reddit likes to say that the LGBT community doesn't "choose" to be the way they are (and I fully support LGBT by the way), well it goes both ways. Pedos don't "choose" to wanna fuck kids either. The difference is that LGBT is harmless, whereas pedos are a great danger to our children. No amount of therapy or psychological evals will cure a pedo. They will, in many cases, do it again.

Reddit has me appalled and frankly fucking disgusted today. I can't believe some of the apologist behavior for pedos I see in this thread. You have no sympathy for rapists, racists, murderers, animal abusers, etc. Pedos, though? Yeah, they're alright as long as they spend a year in prison every time they torture a child. No problemo.

That last bit wasn't directed towards you, /u/thesmartestdonkey. That was directed towards everyone in this thread who is defending that piece of shit.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org