TIL A Female Scientist Defined the Greenhouse Effect In The 1800s, But Didn’t Get the Credit Due to Sexism

I am not dismissive as much as I am upset that people exist who will argue over such pettiness because it offends their sense of moral superiority....the entire political landscape suffers as a result. If I can offend people this much by not including someone’s name in a link to a post that features it, then the threshold for being offended is way too low. This toxic mentality needs to be tamed, otherwise we will continue to have people on the right fighting against what they feel is moral oppression by the overly sensitive majority. There are legitimate issues worth fighting over, but if this many people can get bent out of shape at someone who was intending to do good, then perhaps we need to examine our threshold for being offended.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - smithsonianmag.com