TIL that Office clerk Stefan Kiszko spent 17 years in prison for the murder of a schoolgirl in northwest England in 1975. Though he had confessed his guilt at the time, evidence later proved he was innocent. He was coerced to confess using the Reid interrogation technique.

I agree with you but with a little footer which would be that it can be the best advice if your solicitor advises so for us in the UK just always use your first opportunity to speak to a solicitor and that opportunity has to be offered no matter what the police say and they will say all sorts "Oh it's a Friday, we might have a long wait, best just to get this over with so you can go home" or another favourite for the police is arranging interviews when the courts are in session and busiest which is a Monday and Tuesday so then you phone your solicitor, he's in court and they suggest rather than waiting for a duty solicitor you just "have a quick chat and you can be on your way".

The UK version of the advice in this thread would be "I would like to speak to a solicitor."

They can't infer anything from that in court.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - ponderwall.com