TIL that for the interrogation scene in the movie "Safe House", Denzel Washington volunteered to actually be water boarded, albeit for a few seconds at a time. Co-star Ryan Reynolds called it "one of the most disturbing thing I've ever seen."

You speak as though you are qualified to invalidate other's opinions on this matter. Might I ask where your degree in neuroscience is from?

It's scientific to assume nothing and to prove truth.

It's unscientific to make huge guesses like "hey nerves can do crazy shit!".

I didn't make any claims. I simply said that he did not provide evidence for his speculation and that it was wrong.

By the way I have a Bachelors in Biology with a focus on human physiology, so here's the kicker:

** I learned enough to know that he's full of bullshit, and I learned enough not to make a claim that I can't prove.**

I'm sorry that you desire to read hypothetical garbage and believe it as truth.

Let me recommend a basic science class at a local college so you can understand why idle, baseless speculation is garbage and can be discarded with the same amount of effort that went into creating it (none!).

I'm just going to make the assumption you're a twat and tell you that giving such an ignorant opinion with that much of a pompous attitude just comes across as daft and fatuous.

I apologize that basic respect for the scientific method makes me a pretentious twat.

Now I understand what you want to read: bullshit. You want "woo". You want to be convinced with garbage.

Do both of us a favor and refrain from responding, because there are plenty of dense people who would fall for your sad excuse of acting intelligent, and I have better things to do than tell children to stay out of the big kids' room.

I will. Your hilarious anti-intellectual response shows how shitty your appreciation for an evidentiary requirement is.

When it comes to a modern appreciation for fact over speculation, for proof over hypothetical garbage, you're a part of the problem.

You support shitty anti-scientific fantasy tales and viciously attack anyone who points out the garbage.

I will refrain from posting because your ignorance and meanness makes you the posterchild of an ignorant twat.

You believe in garbage and you attack anyone who dares ask for evidence.

Fuck you and your faux-intellectual insults.

Where's your Bachelors in a science? Where's your PHD? You should sit the fuck down and shut your ignorant mouth, but you won't. You won't because of illusory superiority. You know so fucking little that you feel validated that you know a lot.

You attack me because you're stupid.

because there are plenty of dense people who would fall for your sad excuse of acting intelligent

Oh god.....the irony is so delicious you can cut it with a knife. I have a degree in biology you pretentious, assumptive, ignorant fuck. What do you have except shitty insults that prove you're an ignorant fucking waste of oxygen? Nothing.

Enjoy reveling in ignorance like a pig in mud you shitty anti-scientific cunt.

People like you make me fear for the future of education in this country. Illusory superiority, insults, no substance. What a fucking waste of your fathers jizz.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - news.moviefone.com