TIL that for a while in the 2010s, you could rent the country of Liechtenstein on Airbnb for $70,000 a night. This included hanging out with the monarch, temporary currency, the ability to rename streets and a key to country.

Sounds like someone bit off more than they can chew and are now having to face the consequences. In any case I don't give a ((&$* about landlords who are "struggling" to make ends meet. If they owe more than what they can get selling the house they made poor financial decisions, especially if they didn't save up enough money to hold out while people look for new jobs to pay rent.

Any landlord that has a sob story is one of their own making and I don't feel the least bit sorry for them. They were earning profit off by renting and now suddenly they're all up and arms about losing that money and can't afford to put food on the table? Sorry. Too bad. You lost capitalism. Welcome to literally everyone's world. You weren't special afterall.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com