TIL Jackie Wilson always kissed the "ugliest" girl in the audience because "they'll all think they can have me and keep coming back and buying my records."

Why must you be so extreme? I may not have the final word, but I can try to talk the bride out of it.

I don't know about where you live, but in my city there are a lot of Facebook groups where people ask daily for a DJ for their wedding or whatever party.Funnily enough, even though there is at least a person asking for a DJ everyday, those posts get the most attention everytime. I do believe that is where DJs get most of their customers.

Obviously that kind of competition is not regulated in any matter. So what if somebody recommends me and then a friend of some competing DJs in town wants to try and smear my reputation by posting a video of me playing a racist song at a wedding (to the outrage of, let's say, half the people attending)?

Now I'm the racist DJ of the town and my business is ruined because IT'S THE BRIDE'S DAY and obviously, since she paid me, she can also put my entire career in jeopardy without me having any say in it.

This might sound a big far-fetched to you but I'm not from a big city and I know DJs that are barely booked because of things less extreme.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org