TIL Japan has a sociological phenomena known as Hikikomori, in which there's an estimated 1 million Japanese who choose to completely isolate themselves from society.

No no, I'm pretty sure in reality women that use men decide to use them, same as men that use women decide to use them too.

I don't think any woman is justified in thinking "oh I want this thing, I better find a man to buy it for me then dump him when I have what I want."

I think most women are just as horrified at the women that choose to cheapen themselves and abuse the mostly good intentions of the men they take advantage of.

Don't give anyone an easy time for that kind of bullshit behaviour and especially don't try to blame something as insubstantial as the concept of capitalism.

You can't blame women for changing social structures that they don't even have control over.

This literally contradicts itself, how can they change any structure they have no control over?

You're speaking utter nonsense.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - nationalgeographic.com