TIL Japan has a sociological phenomena known as Hikikomori, in which there's an estimated 1 million Japanese who choose to completely isolate themselves from society.

I'm pretty sure i am at least somewhat on the same path as those guys and i'm from central Europe.

I haven't completely checked out from society. I still have a job, one where you have to talk to a lot of people actually and i still sometimes meet people privately, but pretty much only when someone wants to meet me, never the other way around.

99% of my free time however, i pretty much just sit in front of my pc, or walk around listening to music. I actually got a decent job right after graduation, which isn't that easy in my field, but i have absolutely zero ambition or "dreams". Neither professional nor personal. Of course i sometimes get lonely and depressed, but mostly i just don't give a shit about anything and just want to sleep and sit around doing nothing until i die.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - nationalgeographic.com