TIL "a low sense of control is highly associated with anxiety, depression, and virtually all mental health problems. Researchers have found that a low sense of control is one of the most stressful things that people can experience."

You just described my exact situation. Almost done with college, only a few courses left. Parents 50+ escaped before the revolution in late 70s. Feel so stressed/anxious despite knowing that I don’t need to be. I’ve isolated myself for so long trying to fix the source of my problems (which I have yet to identify) and I feel like I’ve driven away my close friends. Used to be really active in my fraternity for 3 years and today I found out two of my brothers who I have a class with had a study session for our midterm tomorrow in the chapter house (where we all live) and didn’t even mention it to me. It hurt me more than I’d like to admit. I wish I could not give a fuck, stop blaming myself for everything, and try to find joy in all the good things about life right now but I feel almost nostalgic of the present, which bothers me cause that’s something I should have control over... It’s a shitty feeling despite having so many good things going for me, like my grades, parents who love me (though they don’t understand me), and many relative luxuries that I imagine 99% of the world might only dream of.

So far my best solution is to be confident that I won’t always feel like this and that maybe I’ll be happier after college when I move to the city and hopefully land a good job. Just wish I didn’t have to feel like this now, especially after my dads advice was to “enjoy college cause it’s the best time of your life”. Not even sure how he’d know that considering he didn’t go to a traditional university. And I despise the idea that this is where I peak. Like the Golden god says, “Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. And when I do peak, you'll know. Because I'm gonna peak so hard that everybody in Philadelphia's gonna feel it.”

Sorry to rant; just wanted you to know there’s probably at least a bunch of us in this together. Bidding you Godspeed, my friend.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - scientificamerican.com