TIL that US Marine John Kelly was the last person to be awarded 2 Medals of Honor. He ran 100 yards in advance of the front line and attacked an enemy machine gun nest, killed the gunner with a grenade, shot another man with his pistol, and returned with 8 prisoners. He was 19.

Dunford's rack is not that impressive, especially for his rank and position. I see more decorated Staff Sergeants every day. Let's look at what he's got from the bottom up.
The bottom row and all but the far left on the second row from the bottom are all basically gimmies for places he's been and the time he's been in the military. The red and yellow one everyone gets for just being in the military during a time of conflict. Recruits straight out of boot camp have that one. The mostly blue one immediately below is received three months after joining a unit supporting the Global War on Terror (GWOT), which is every active unit, and is gimmie #2. Very last ribbon is for doing a NATO mission, everyone who goes to Afghan gets it, second to last is for deploying 3+ months (stars indicate subsequent awards, he has three total), and the far left in the last row everyone doing anything related to GWOT outside of America and Afghan gets. I can tell that he's been to Iraq twice and Afghanistan once from the two red/white/green guys right next to each other in the second row from the bottom.
The next four are unit awards. Being a high ranking officer, he actually probably had to do some work for those, but he's just one guy. If you're in long enough, some of those will happen to you.
Vertical blue/yellow/red on the far right of the third row is his Combat Action Ribbon. Fun fact, last Commandant didn't have one.
Green with orange stripes and green with white stripes are various pats on the back. White stripes are slightly more hearty pats. Orange stripes are given out to higher ranked Marines like candy.
I'll be honest. I really have no idea what his top five are for. I googled them, and the three purple ones in a row are all something about "merit" and the two on the top are both Defense something Service. His top three are rated above a bronze star, but I could not tell you what they are for.
Unless his top five are for being a member of the Avengers, though, I'd actually expect to see more on a four star General. Check out Conway, two commandants ago and James "Mad Dog" Mattis.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org