TIL: Men and women experience near equal levels of online harassment, women are more likely to be upset by it.

Well, let's see:

woman who hijacked her government office to force her religion on random citizens.

The lady's religion forbids her to perform her job so that is understandable. She should have resigned rather than take the action she did though. Her actions have also been rather unpopular among many people and ineffective as someone has stepped into place to do the job for her I believe. Also, disapproving of gay marriage is a far cry from murdering gay folks.

who also believe that naturalised citizens should have their citizenship taken away, and their property seized

I'm assuming you are referring to asset seizure which, while abhorrent effects all people. It doesn't intentionally target a particular race, religion etc. and as such cannot be compared to the theft of Jewish property is Nazi Germany.

and are blaming immigrants for taking American jobs

And have been doing so for the last several decades. This is nothing new, and nothing has come of it.

Now there's waves of Syrian refugees getting labelled as Trojan Horse terrorists.

Because some terrorists undoubtedly will hid among their ranks. They'd be fools not to. I'm not saying that refugees shouldn't be cared for but you'd have to be a fool not to treat the possibility with serious concern.

Ten-something years ago a man named James Byrd was dragged behind a pickup truck, to death, somewhere in south central Texas — lynched for his skin colour

Cherry picking much?

Dylan Roof shot up a church full of people, and gets sincere appreciation from a not-small contingent (CoonTown).

Funny you should mention because out of morbid curiosity I did read what they had to say about the matter at the time. If I recall correctly they thought he was an idiot and that violence is not the answer. I think they wanted either segregation or deportation of Black Americans back to Africa or some other nonsense.

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