TIL Mohammed wrote an open letter to Christians that declared their right to self-governance, protection for churches and monasteries, and freedom to practice their religion openly in Muslim controlled areas. Muslims are commanded to follow this until the end of time.

Certainly you are quite misleading and historically inaccurate, Muhammed told the rest of the "book followers", and others who were paganist, that they are free to worship whomever they wanted mentioned in Quran specifically “To you be your religion, to me be mine.”, as long as not in the premises of Islam's holy sites (this one is suppose to be funny). Other than that he did not invade anyone's home nor force them to convert, though man, falsely, converted solely to benifit from the protection and communist like food rations, to be more general about it, Mohammed used the tactic that America uses right now: 1-invades, 2- "proves" that they're the good guys (gives aid and other basic needs), 3- gets people's support for it, 4- rules the country.

However, Islam in itself never forced others to convert or withhold their religious rights; rather it was quite the opposite, Muslims were butchered for those very same reasons that nowadays Islamist extremists kill others for, many of us westerners fail to see that in Islam there happened inner revolutions between Mohammed's family and the Mohammed's generals and advisors, after his death, this has caused the Muslims to become the way they are right now. Lost, and a centuray too late to adapt due to our, very much appreciated, intervenience, they were/are just like Christianity in a sense. But to be more blunt about it: all of the extremists can be easily disproven if you just read their history (and stop creating your own sources, for fucks' sake), for example the idea of scarf you can argue about it and Muhammed in many places ordered his people that they were more knowledgable of their own lives then what others tell them, thus he did order them to "evolve" and continue rather than stick to the old methods:

"passed by some people who were busy with pollination and said: “If they would not do this, then it would still come out right.” The date crop that resulted was of a very poor quality. Then he passed by them and asked: “What is with your date palms?” They said: “You had told us such-and-such…” He said: “You know best the affairs of your 'worldly' life.” ".

To even look further back, much of Islam "modern" ways and ideas, (circa 600 AD), were forcefully reverted to the way of how many of the paganistic religions were. Barbaric. Eventually his [Mohammed] own family then thrown like rags in the outer skirts of the empire and denied the "right" to rule after his death.

One of the simplest ways to exemplify this "forceful" change is by observing how islam was specifically altered by Mohammed's advisors as they longed for their own forgotten religions- to start . We ought to observe the way that most Muslims:

  • for the Sunni Muslims the prayer goes with their hands folded around their chests](http://i.imgur.com/cuuoDS3.jpg),

  • but unlike them the Mailki and the Shia sects pray with their hands to their sides, as they believe this is how Mohammed prayed himself,

before that being changed, *interestinglyk this is what *Hubal statue looked like, The origin of the hands folding is believed to stem from the caliphate Abu Baker, where he changed the way prayer is after Mohammed's death shortly. I can clearly remember my professor mentioning how the prayer to Hubal used to be mainly:

  • standing in a shrine with a mini statue of Hubal between your hands just above your stomach on your chest (yes just like the Muslim Sunni prayer).

Though I found no source of that still, he is an ancient man so he might have read it in a book that I cannot find.

  • - Hubal: a pagan Arab God (not really Arabic, but they claimed it to be Arab), very ancient, even in Ibrahim's time this god existed, many believe "Allah" and Hubal are one and the same thing, makes your head pounder.
/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org