TIL “night owls" people have different brain functions than “early morning” people. That difference is the reason why we should rethink the 9-to-5 workday, say researchers.

Yeah, I'll never understand the people who lease high end luxury cars while they live far away from work. It depends on the location, I know some places can be much cheaper an hour away and it might still be worth it even with the high end car included, but in NJ IME most of those people are doing it purely for the status and frugality combined where they could live much closer if they traded in that luxury car for a Honda.

I also worked at one job that tried to schedule me for shifts that were 2 hours away when they had one location like 20 minutes away from me. I told them they could either take me off the shift, let me take an ambulance from the closer base and take it to the other location (I was an emt at the time), or fire me. Thankfully they mostly took me off the shift or let me drive their ambulance on the clock there.

I wasnt about to do 12-14 hour shifts with unpaid 2 hour drives each way, fuck that.

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