TIL a philosophy riddle from 1688 was recently solved. If a man born blind can feel the differences between shapes such as spheres and cubes, could he, if given the ability, distinguish those objects by sight alone? In 2003 five people had their sight restored though surgery, and, no they could not.

I was born deaf and been wearing hearing aids most of my life. Never needed to learn sign language.

Sleeping is relatively easy since I can't hear anything but it makes me a deep sleeper. I have to use a vibrating alarm clock to get me up but that always doesn't work. I live alone and if someone were to break into my place at night while I'm sleeping, I'm basically screwed because I'll have no idea it's happening. If the intruder were to wake up me up threatening me and stuff, it would be awkward and confusing right away while I put my hearing aids in and glasses on.

I don't wear them while I shower since they're not waterproof. Sames goes for swimming. I dream of being able to have a casual conversation with a friend in the pool.

When it comes to music, I rarely can catch what they're singing. I'm not much of a tempo/beat expert either so I only know what music is good by the way it sounds. I hardly know the lyrics to any songs.

Similar situation to watching TV. I struggle to understand what people are saying. Thank god for subtitles and caption. I'm a film junkie and always use them. I enjoy going to the theater but I don't if I know it's a heavy dialogue movie.

When it comes to conversing with people, I need that person to grab my attention first before speaking. Otherwise I have go politely ask him or her to start over. I struggle to converse with people in noisy environments such as bars. I enjoy going to them but it's never a good place for me to meet someone or a pretty lady.

The costs of having hearing aids is expensive. Each model can cost thousands of dollars and sucks if they got lost. I always have to replace the batteries in them so extra cost for that as well.

But yeah, I have the power to turn them off for silence. However I haven't done that since I was a kid, it can be immature and irresponsible.

In the end, you don't want that right. I dream all the time of having normal hearing like normal people. When I meet someone new I always catch them glancing at my ears noticing what I have. I always ignore it but it's still there.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org