TIL that President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

I have a confession, when I was younger I was abused by black and Mexican people so I turned to white pride, I wasn't raised that way, in fact my mother is half Latino and my father has a very diverse friend base, hell half of my family is Asian and Latino so to say the least we are a very mixed very loving family.

I am a recovering supremacist I guess you could say, what led me away from that crowd is simply my own individual pride. I didn't want to associate with people who lived terrible lifestyles, drinking and meth, rambling nonsense about being superior but essentially acting like trash.

I have moved from that, I realize that the people who hurt me where just assholes.... I figured the ones who treated me poorly where likely influenced by similar factors as my own, someone who looked like me probably did them wrong. Or maybe their families just taught them to be that way.

That was just a trivial time in my life and I let the fear and hate own me for a lot longer than necessary. These days are filled with anti-white sentiment but I understand, I just hope that the people who do harbor resentment and do have hate in their hearts let it go.

Just love one another, we are all just elements bouncing around on a ball of rock circling a star.... we already share common ground, just need to recognize we all have the same desires, happiness, health and sovereignty. I know we as humans are long way from utopia but I believe we get closer to harmony every day.

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