TIL: Robin Williams took a huge pay cut to voice the Genie in Aladdin, if certain conditions were adhered to. Disney reneged on the promise and later apologised to him with the gift of a Picasso painting.

You have to live in the right place to pick up the antisemitism. Grow up out in the sticks and never meet jews and you really won't have much on which to base prejudice. Grow up in NYC and you see so many of them that they are so commonplace that they are just a normal part of life.

Grow up in, say, Minneapolis where there are some, but not a ton of jews and you end up like me. Of the few hundred jews I have met in my life, many of whom are friends, I can honestly and without remorse state that most of them suck at sports (the ones that are actually interested in sports), a large percentage of them work in finance (a decent number are diamond traders), they are almost all a bit annoying (some a little, some very), they seem to be mostly of above intelligence (all above average education), most have unique relationships with their mothers.

So I would not say I am antisemitic, but I definitely will prejudge jews and make assumptions based on the data that my brain has collected over 40 years time of meeting jews.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - uk.businessinsider.com