TIL There's a black market in China for foreign baby formula due to fears of contamination in domestic formula

BTW: You should not be offended. I'm not directly blaming people for giving up or not trying. A lot of the problems lie with governments, society and producers of artificial milk. There needs to be a change of mentality in general. All though you previously said why would you even consider having kids if you don't intend on doing everything possible to give them the best food? That feels like throwing around some hurtful offensive opinions there. Which yes are a bit arrogant because i have never met a woman who hasn't tried what could be considered their hardest and failed. You think they like that? You think they are filled with joy being left with the only option being formula? I have known a woman who has had a dietitian plan the food they eat and have had a private nurse to help them breast feed and her supply dwindled and she had to fall back on formula. And i agree with you on most points, don't get me wrong, support is over all needed as a whole for the highest percentage of success. But in my situation we HAD to work the first year. And all around the world women HAVE to work. Maternity leave is just not a viable option, and i am sorry but i feel everyone who raises their child with respect and intelligence deserves to have a child. And i am curious, would you say a woman who has lost their breasts to cancer or in Africa a random machete mastectomy should reconsider having their own children because breast feeding isn't on the table? Also: The problem is with the government and the formula producers? Government openly advocates breast is best and i have never seen a tin that didn't have "BREAST MILK IS BEST FOR BABIES" in bold on it (direct quote, checked it just then). And you are 100% right, i clearly know nothing and need to hit the text books. Even though more and more people formula feed earlier on and academic scores have increased across the board over the past 50 years. And the fact you implied that "you can't get diseases from breast milk" baffles me to your level of scientific reasoning.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - news.com.au