’Tis the Season to Debunk Your Family’s Hunter Biden Conspiracy Theories

Why hasnt an investigation already take place?

How many explanations would you like? This is exactly what the republican house committee wants to pursue and the leftists continue to oppose. This is one of the first things that the republican house announced and leftist subreddits kept parroting how useless the investigation would be. The justice department and intelligence agencies wanted to bury the story even before it was first released. You are asking why a corrupt agency wouldn’t take actions against the very group they were covering for, with the backing of a democrat backed senate and house.

The facts now remain that the FBI confiscated the data itself and has verified that the data have not be tampered with. This has been widely known for a year now with even msm confirming this information.

Thanks for proving yet again how disconnected from reality democrats are.

/r/conspiracytheories Thread Parent Link - slate.com