Today, 2 years ago, Riot was facing one of the most challenging bugs in the game

i understand there's a lot of weight behind the choices and decisions Riot had to make, but all of this dialogue and time stamping just infuriates me. Turn off ranked immediately. Condense forum threads, fine, but the correct reason shouldn't be "to limit visibility." I'm sorry it takes time to fix bugs. I'm sorry people abuse it. I'm sorry people need to know if they should play league or not right now because of some shit your game is doing...but they need to know. The problem isn't that people are trying to communicate about a game breaking bug, the problem is that one exists at all. Minimizing casualties isn't the right choice, the right choice is making there be 0 casualties - which was totally an option that was available from the start.

This same thing has happened so many times. Oh Lucian is so broken we're disabling him from tournaments still fine in ranked though, oh a Tristana botrk bug oops, etc. I think I speak for everyone when I say I'd rather you just disable parts of the game until it is fixed instead of just mitigating damage.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread Link -