Too much optimism = complacency. Every day, every article posted seems to paint Bernie as a guarantee, while the reality is that he is still very far from earning the nomination. We need to keep things in perspective, and that's hard to do in this bubble.

NOTE: This is meant to be a discussion of our ideas, not a "downvote if you disagree" type of situation. I have looked through enough economic data and even listened/read through Bernies stuff like This to be questioning our society. Hear me out because I am representing those who have told me they would rather let Rand win mainly because of these reasons:

What turns me off the most about this campaign is when people like you say stuff like "In our current situation, a lot of people are struggling and we're a far cry from 'liberty and justice for all.'"

I agree with Bernie to make our infrastructure world class like it was before, become a leader in climate change, and use the money of the 1% to fund our institutions, only those that are productive, but that is about as far as I am going into "Bernie Fever" as someone here called it. I still upvoted you.

Our country is prosperous to economically useful people. If you disagree with me, look at our economic data for white collar jobs or get out. I'd appreciate to talk to those that are understanding of different perspectives. Along with that, I have grown up in a lower to lower middle class household and have many acquaintances that made it very well on their own. If you work hard through sweat blood and tears like so many Americans did today to get where they are now, it is not impossible as people make it seem to afford a luxurious living style. My main concern is that his system would reward people that aren't economically productive as they could be in this, dare I say it, prosperous country that led me to where I am today (and I am thankful as hell for its institutions but they need to be improved). I have an issue towards using my hard earned money to pay for the bottom X% because if people in fact do have the opportunity to be prosperous in this country like in my experience, why should I clothe and pay health insurance for those that aren't? Have they ever heard of a college education or Unions? SMH "Because society will not prosper if so many people are living in the dregs and a tiny minority possesses the vast majority of wealth and power." Then how come people that worked through sweat blood and tears are able to afford a luxurious lifestyle? You're right, we didn't make it on our own, we utilized things like college and minimum wage jobs to get where we are today. We contribute to the society to things that matter, not things that you claim would fail the society such as not increasing the minimum wage or health coverage. I'm not living in the slums although I came from an underprivilidged background. Why the hell is that? Ever heard of productivity? It's an economic concept that you should read up on. I am against rewarding those who are not productive for the economy instead of encouraging them to get a good education in spite of its high cost. If you graduate, it has enough ROI to be profitable. I am not the type for charity, but if you are a type there are many programs for people like you that stand for a noble cause such as giving healthcare to those in need. You're damn right that in practice it wouldn't be as good as in theory. Because half of what it's focusing on is charity for the poor, not things that I want to matter.

The economy is unevenly benefiting those in the 1% and the financial industry but that's not an excuse to do some iffy ideas on my behalf.

TL;DR: To put it simply: Our society rewards those who "ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country." and I don't want that system to reward those that do not have that attitude.

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