Top CEOs Have $4.9 Billion Saved Up for Retirement. Nearly 1/3 of Workers Have Nothing: Extreme economic inequality has created an even greater disparity in savings for old age

No but it does show that ops title that says 1/3 of workers have no savings may not just be because of the divisive previous statement about top CEOs making more, but might be related because some people don't understand the ramifications of their actions and some people do. Probably about a third of them. It's good news that two third of people do have savings, implying more knowledge about finances.

A big reason that the rich has gotten richer is because the inherent value of the dollar has plummeted. Back in the beginning of the last century a million dollar net worth meant you were super rich. Having a million dollar networth now means very little.

Zero will always be zero, but "rich" will always be an increasing number, which means in terms of raw numbers, the millionaires of he past are equivalent to the billionaires today.

If you look at the income people make in anyear, you'll see that for the majority of people, saving or investing Ian t in the top ten of priorities, compared or luxury items or "wants". Somwhynwohld people have any savings if they don't even give a crap about saving money? Fallout 4 just came out, that's far more important. The iPhone 6s is out. Company pension plan? Buying certificates of deposit ? Treasury notes? Fuck those things. Weed is legal, gotta get that.

Look, I'm a stinky liberal, I'm a stupid vegan for gods sake, the lowest of the low, but blaming why people have no savings is to take every bit of individual decision away from the equation and just boil it to, "some rich CEO has more, it's wealth disparity, that's why your life sucks and you have no savings". Which is the whole slant of this post. Are you really going to tell me that he average man on the street has no savings because bill gates is a billionaire or because he doesn't put away $50 now and then for the future?

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