Toronto man found not guilty in Twitter harassment trial widely viewed as a Canadian first

views are changed by exterminating the other side. do you think the sub-human bug passing for a female in this court case can be reasoned with? there are so many more like her.

perfect example; i am not a gay-basher. i honestly couldn't care less where someone wants to get their jollies. i am in grad school and there is a gay kid in the class who makes sexually charged comments towards the other men and talks about sucking dick constantly, his gay experiences, and even makes comments about other men in the class being attractive to him and some of us straight males in the class have said to each other that if any of us had made those kinds of sexual comments towards the women in the class or talked about the shit this guy talks about but in a heterosexual manner we would be tossed out for sexual harassment but because this guy is gay he's so "brave" and all that other shit and THAT's what pisses me off.

or how about the fact blacks are AWARDED FREE POINTS on standardized tests like the MCAT or LSAT or GRE merely because they are black! IM SORRY, WHAT?! or how about the fact that no black actors are nominated for an oscar so the blacks are shitting themselves and michael caine and some other actress are telling the media you can't vote for someone just because they're black, its based on ability, but no, the blacks want credit for being black and participating.

last but not least, women....where do i even begin with women....this entire thread is a testament to the inequality faced by men today at the hands of feminism. there are so many cases about women crying rape, going to EXTREME ends to stick to their story. remember the girl who carried her mattress around campus with her to protest the university not doing enough to remedy the fact she was "raped" when she cried rape? she was proven to eventually be making the entire thing up! or how about this actually going to bother linking this because this is absolutely ridiculous SEE LINK HERE this guy faced EXTREME disciplinary action because he reminded a random female student of her rapist from a rape that occurred thousands of miles away. yes i linked TFM, but i like the way this article was written it is very blunt and flushes out the issues other media are afraid to touch such as the fact that this isn't just one unfortunate incident but gets at what im getting at in that WHAT THE FUCK THIS HAS BECOME NORMAL?! if you want to find the same story written about in other article/media do some googling and you'll find it. it is time for white, straight men to fucking take america back and stand up for ourselves. we've done fucking nothing wrong but in the eyes of everyone who isn't us - that has become a crime.

enough is enough.

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