This totally sums up what it’s like to be an addict.

Thank you. Your'e comment has helped me quit my addiction; I've stopped drinking, smoking, taking opiates, tobacco, and a list full of others. Telling me that addiction has helped me quit on a dime.

Telling me addiction is not a disease has ended all of the abuse and suicidal thoughts I have had for years. All of the disappointment from my parents when I didn't live up to the family reputation. I know longer have to think about when my parents verbally abused me and kicked me out because I hung out with my friends too much and would never become anything. When I became more mentally damaged and would question even my closest friends and didn't have any one to talk to, I should have just dealt with my suicidal thoughts and ended it right there.

You're right. In a time where I thought of ending it daily, taking some temporary relief was an unreasonable outlet. Taking it a few times where I became addicted was unreasonable. I was out of line.

Take anything long enough and it becomes a habit. Sorry my responsibility at the time was to not have daily suicidal thoughts. I previously had a habit of not wanting to die. I'm happy now and free of "hard drugs", but would you have been happier if I just ended after all of the abuse?

Yes, it may not be a disease that you develop out of no where, but it is still an outlet for people who are mentally on the edge. When it seems like drugs are the only way out, you take it.

When chemo is the only way out, although it hurts your body, you take it. It isn't a perfect comparison, but fuck you for being so naive to those who are mentally in a bad place. Not everyone is lucky to always be mentally stable.

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