Trading on TF2outpost is serious business

"Don't use the site",you can't just say that since it's the only actually good site to trade in tf2 because it's the only populated one,even tho bazaar is superior in everything but traders that come by.

And no it is fucking not my responsability,they want us to make it our responsability but steamrep is not banning you,no other trading site in any other game is banning you besides outpost

I should be able to call out someone if i feel like it as long as i'm keeping it to a limit,but being banned because i told someone he is "stupid" or "dumb",not even in a meaning desire even for a day this ban should've never happened,and don't tell me a second they have decent mods,these guys have the mentality of working AGAINST you rather than helping other traders,they make sure the TOS is respected to its fullest no matter what,DedAndrei needed AN ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR to get unbanned from outpost even if every other site unbanned him in less than a month after he accepted a trade with a scammer by mistake,such customer service on top of various bugs and poor UI should've not reached the top of tf2 trading

Again as i really probably haven't explained it clear enough,checking with who am i trading is NOT my responsability at all,tf2outpost is the single trading site across all valve games as i am aware of that bans you for trading with scammers. period

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