Do I have to be trans to have dysphoria?

"Because I don’t think identity matters as much as physical and neurological realities? Maybe it’s a ptsd thing, where I can’t attach to a gender unless I can weaponize it against people who did me wrong, and identifying as female is the thing that will hurt transphobes the most. I don’t know. I’m happy I medically transitioned. And yet I still see myself as a masculine woman in my mind’s eye"

You said you couldn't identify with straight relationships, yet you see yourself as a woman who likes men? You only attach yourself to your natal sex when you want to attack other people? That sounds like some serious emotional issues bro.

"Because that way I can’t get hurt by misgendering, if I don’t let myself get attached to any gender at all? "

if you didn't let yourself get attached to you gender, why did you medically change your body to appear as the opposite one?

The women born with penises did not choose to be women with penises. they literally see it as a birth defect and want to remove it. It's oceans different than a woman who intentionally permanently alters her body to be seen as male. How could you like identifying as a woman in the body of a man? Doesn't being perceived and known as female make you dysphoric? There is something much deeper going on here.

/r/truscum Thread Parent