How do you deal with coworkers who talk badly about each other?

I can't think of any work environment I've experienced that hasn't been like this.

How I deal with it depends entirely on its nature.

If it's completely fucking toxic, I keep my head down, do my job, spend my breaks alone, and generally keep to myself as much as possible until I find a new job.

If people are just sounding off I try to remain professional and detached - I'll listen and nod, then keep whatever they said to myself.

I'm currently in a much trickier situation though, where I'm new, and everyone has beef with my supervisor. But I don't. I get what they're moaning about, but it's a personality thing IMO, and he and I just click. I basically shrug and say that I get it but don't have a problem with him. My suspicious mind sometimes wonders whether they're testing my loyalties or something :/

What I do have a problem with is being currently sandwiched between a woman I've developed a sort of friendship with, but don't work directly with, and my boss. They both whinge about each other, and some of the complaints are valid on both sides, but I don't particularly want to mediate between them, and mostly just wish I didn't have to hear about it.

I don't think I'm much of a team player lol :P

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