Transgender 14-year-old can proceed with hormone treatment despite father’s objections, Canadian court rules

Calling trans people mentally ill isn’t an argument - it’s just you showing your xenophobia. People are different - gender is something that, in the womb, is determined at the drop of a hat. Imagine mentally thinking that you’re a girl, but you have a penis. Would you not want to change that?

It’s not just some dude saying, “Girls have it so easy, wish I was one.” Because first of all, that’s not true, and second of all, people should be able to make their own decision. And decisions have consequences. Now, imagine you - not someone else - being forced to get a sex change, and now you’re a guy who knows he’s a guy, but has female reproductive parts.

Stop treating it like there’s something wrong with them or that we should deny someone their right to modify their body however they please. Instead of making assumptions about trans people, why don’t you actually talk to one and expand your perspective?

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