Tribes: Ascend is no more

As someone that got burned by both Global Agenda and Tribes: Ascend

Man I really miss Global Agenda. When that game was in it's popular phase, it was extremely fucking cool. The AVA is where that game shined so bright. That was arguably the most fun I have had in gaming EVER.

I specifically recall all the politics involved in trying to win the season, and then staying up extra late to play in the European seasons. I remember double crossing other agencies to fuck them over and mess up their production. PM'ing other agency leaders and scheming and plotting on how to get first second or third... Man that shit was fun. Then you realize when day someone is trying to fuck you over, so you call in all strike force teams you can and try to lock your shit down in a tough fight.

Man there really isn't anything like it. I wish another game with a similar mechanic in it would show up. That was just a wonderful idea that not many people got to fully play and appreciate. It was so much fun.

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