I tried to kill myself last night

Hey :) First up - definitely a sign from fate that that bar broke. You still have more to do and be. The universe said so. You are going to be okay.

Can I offer you a little word of wisdom?

First - see the counsellor, talk to someone; and check in with a doctor if you can; if there are underlying problems, he'll be able to help you manage them.

Secondly, I promise you, I felt just like you when I was 16. Fighting with my parents, lonely, not many friends, working hard and it not being good enough, relationships not working, and it feels like nothing will ever improve, and this is just your life.

But I promise you, it gets easier to deal with as you get a little older. Being a teenager fucking sucks ass. It's being an adult with none of the wisdom or experience to balance out the adult emotion, and still having to abide by the rules of being a kid, to a certain extent.

And it's not your fault, it's just you're learning how to do it all. But I can promise you it will get easier.

Hope you're okay. :) You will be okay though - the universe told you so. :)

/r/offmychest Thread