Trump Administration to Deny Visas to Same-Sex Partners of Diplomats, U.N. Officials

There is one "true" answer.

Humans have been on this planet for 300,000 years, civilization has only been a thing for 10,000, give or take. Industrialized societies have only existed for a few hundred. You will not undo hundreds of thousands of years of evolution (more like millions because you have to think of the species that preceded us) and human strategy in such a small amount of time. Pretty much every problem with modern society can be attributed the fact we are apes in togas. The social hierarchies and structures that worked in small tribal units do not translate to thousands, millions of people occupying the same space without a lot of fuss. Altruism rarely extends beyond people's own spheres because before it never needed to. People who had / have traits that did / do not necessitate survival and in turn procreation did not pass those traits on, they died while the greedy fucks who fucked them over and pillaged their village for resources passed their genes on, they did not.

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