Trump Calls NATO Obsolete and Dismisses EU in German Interview

I have no allegience with Russia. I'm north american ok. However I have no preference with escalating tensions with Russia. I never said NATO's missile systems were nuclear, I said nuclear capable, just like how Russia's is nuclear capable. Now, ok fine, I'll agree Russia shouldn't push countries around, but I mean, the US and NATO can't act like it's shit don't stink in that regard. The US and NATO are on no moral highground to tell Russia what it can and can't do when a crisis occurs just outside of it's border. Now do I agree with their decision? No. But what's our credibility lately? We destabilize arab nations and all for what? No WMD's, Afganistan is far from better than what it was, Libya as well. Like you are not even trying to be reasonable, you are just doing nothing but demonizing Russia's actions while acting like the US is somehow on the moral high-ground. I don't think that this is the cased and I think you are warmongering. I don't think that spreading hate for Russia is going to make things any better. We share very much the same values with Russia and I think that's what we should focus on. Cheers. Have a good day. Most importantly, Peace.

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