Trump on waterboarding: US should stop 'playing by the rules' in Isis battle

I'm not going to elaborate much on interrogation methodology. Sorry. You can find plenty of open source material to review. That'd require work though, and I don't mean simply look for articles on whether or not "torture" is an effective tool. Study the psychology of interrogation. You'll definitely come to the proper conclusion on the purpose of waterboarding and other coercive techniques. Fact is you cannot simply stick a brute in a room to beat on a detainee and have success. Anyone that suggests that is wrong. However, a skilled interrogator can use a variety of tools to garner success. Many of those tools were actually obtained from the Nazis of WWII who had more success befriending their subjects than they did hurting them. That being said, in order for other techniques to be effective, you have to have all your tools so to speak.

I don't give a shit what you believe. Its the internet. If you think I'm going to out myself on Reddit, you're delusional.

Donald Trump is sending a message around the world that is saying we're going to take the gloves off. That will have an effect. If you think the United States Military is simply going to start targeting illegal targets because a President says so, you're mistaken.

Furthermore, in the context of ISIL, we are not dealing with a nationalist movement. They aren't insurgents. They are an apocalyptic movement that won't be deterred. Nothing we do to them is going to convince them of otherwise, in my opinion. In the case of ISIL, we have to kill the overwhelming majority of them, and then install liberal governments to keep the thumb on extremism. The middle east needs liberalism really badly.

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