Trump plans to offer Canada, Mexico 30-day tariff exemption: official

Barack Obama used to praise how successful international trade agreements are because of how they improve the standard of living in other countries. That approach amounts to socialist-style wealth distribution on an international scale.

I believe the United States has swung far too far in that direction, they are embracing international imports at the expense of their own ability to stay employed. The low class get more destitute, the middle class gets poorer, the elite rake in bigger record-breaking profits every year.

It's time for them to reel things in. Time for protectionist policies to get Americans working and wealthy again. On this I agree with Trump.

Similarly, I think NAFTA is bad for the USA and I don't know why they signed on.

All that being said ... I have different opinion of the policies that will best suit Canada.

Canada is a small nation with overwhelming natural resources. International free trade is extremely beneficial to Canada as we want to sell as much of our resources (and products) around the world as possible.

Trump quite shrewdly observed recently that: "They have you believe that it’s wonderful. And it is. For them. Not wonderful for us. It’s wonderful for them. So we have to start showing that we know what we’re doing."

He's absolutely right. Canada has a very easy time of it with a big brother down south who will buy everything we produce. With NAFTA in place, it's easy business for us.

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