Trump right that Clinton made up story about Bosnia sniper fire

Mr Sherman, I couldn't disagree more strongly. First, I value my anonymity, something that my averageness guarantees me for my remaining life. Please don't project. Second, I don't envy the Clintons. I think $15M for a book advance (what WJC received for My Life) is fantastic. I celebrate his/her accomplishments. I hope Obama receives similar amounts if not more.

What I don't celebrate, however, is enrichment through politics. Every single president of the past 40 years has been all of the things you outlined (smart (sans GWB), personable, charismatic, handsome, etc.) None of them have received the wealth that WJC and HRC have received, and that's because they didn't stay in the game.

Stop pretending like HRC received $225K per speech as anything other than a pay-to-play bribe. Or that WJC didn't receive speaking fees in return for positive treatment by the Sec of State.

Although I am not inside HRC's mind to know how enormous campaign contributions and personal payments affect HRC's decisions, there is enough evidence to suggest that it does have an effect.

Mr Trump has accumulated great wealth, too. It doesn't bother me. I don't envy him. Life is not fair. I don't expect it to be. Please don't project your values on to me. I simply don't want my government to be for sale. That's all -- and I believe that few politicians have enriched themselves more through our political system (pay-to-play as it is) than the Clintons.

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