Trump’s God-Talk Is Turning America Off Religion: The excessive public mingling of religion and politics is making more and more people want to keep religion to themselves, says a new poll

Replace LGBT with black, then read it back to yourself. Sound like a despicable monster now?

No. No one walks up to non-black people trying to start arguments to see how they feel about black people. Nobody walks up to non-black people asking how the feel about the 1950s vs. today. It's not relevant. People just do their work and go home. Be careful with this, I grew up in a foster home with black sisters, so you are barking up the wrong tree with this apples to oranges comparison.

Are you serious? You think it's "persecution" to tell business owners they're now allowed to discriminate and persecuted others?

You are willfully blind on this as to what's happening, and a very large portion of the voting people in the United States agree that it's persecution on that person. You have your opinion, and others have theirs.


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