Trump supporters of reddit, what do people not understand about Trump and/or your perspective?

How is Trump racist? Like actual racist, not the way racist is being misused by the majority of the left today.

Hopretty much whatever they want without any repercussions at all, they get praised for it more often than not. But when a white male calls a woman nasty, that's sexist? Very strange.w is he sexist? Every single American male have at some point had a 1 on 1 not so serious conversation about women. Same with women. You say things you don't really mean with friends, and you both know that you don't actually believe it. It's silly conversations, and they're not to be taken out of context.

What about the official debates etc. where he called some specific women nasty and so on you might say then. Well, people being outraged about that is hypocrisy as its finest. So much for equality, where women can call men whatever they want without repercussions, but a white male calling someone who happen to be a woman nasty? That's sexist? Very strange.

And how any sane person in today's society is not Islamophobic today is beyond me. We have a massive amount of people in the world, some known and fighting in the middle-east, and some "sleeping" in Europe and USA. They want to make the whole world follow their religion, and will brutally murder anyone who opposes them. They're the sexists and racists. Many more just waiting to get radicalized simply by being treated like shit, living in slums and being segregated from the real society with different cultures. It's like they still live in their home countries mentally, not physically (see: my country, Sweden).

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent