“Trump Was Totally Caught Off Guard by the Cohen Plea”: Inside Trumpworld, Some Fear Mueller Has Laid a Perjury Trap

If telling the truth incriminates you in treasonous crimes, and the prosecutors catch you in a lie while you're trying to cover your ass, you have not fallen into a "perjury trap". You're just a criminal.

Those who want to see an actual "perjury trap" need not look any further than US v. William Jefferson Clinton. Prosecutors interviewed then-President Clinton on a non-criminal behavior that had absolutely fucking nothing to do with the subject they were charged to investigate, with the anticipation that he would lie about the non-criminal behavior due to political reasons, and then be prosecuted for that lie. That is a perjury trap.

Don't fall into this narrative of a "perjury trap" folks. Mueller is not acting in bad faith, and is not asking Trump any questions that are unrelated to his investigative charge. There is an underlying crime that Trump is lying about, and that's just plain perjury without any entrapment.

/r/politics Thread Link - vanityfair.com