TSM MikeYeung - 'We'll do better for sure in the next weeks' // blames poor team read on the meta

The thing is, why shouldn't players get criticized by the community for their play ? Praising players isn't a problem, but criticizing them is ? Praise can have extremely negative consequences as well on one's mentality (there are countless examples in traditionnal sports), but everyone considers it as normal. Then why wouldn't players face criticisism ? Of course there are boundaries not to cross (criticizing the public image, i.e. the player and his play, is allowed assuming insults, slurs, etc, are prohibited as well as personnal attacks), but public image isn't about getting free confidence boost. Public image is brutal, and the entertainment society in general is mercyless.

No one will ever ask this question in a Giants thread for example, yet those guys catch criticisim (from the few people that comment on threads) and absolutely no praise (in general I mean). TSM players have huge fanbases, which mean that the reactions will always be oversized.

I don't think people should retain themselves from criticism as long as you don't cross the previously mentionned boundaries. Of course loss is tought for pros, but they should be the ones able to avoid social media in times of crisis. Because that's how the entertainment system works.

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